Defensible Space

We moved here because we love the forest…   Now we need to learn how to live within our Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) in a way that protects our homes and improves the health of the forest around it. Living in a forest in today’s world of climate change...
Fire-Resistant Landscaping 

Fire-Resistant Landscaping 

Are there fire safe plants? Yes and no. Remember, any plant can burn under the right conditions.  One way to help reduce your wildfire risk is to use fire-resistant landscaping around your home.   Look for plants with these characteristics: Able to...
The Five Least Expensive Home Hardening Projects 

The Five Least Expensive Home Hardening Projects 

VENTS: UNDER-EAVE, ATTIC AND CRAWL SPACE  WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW Attic, roof and foundation vents can be entry points for embers and flames. Embers that enter the attic or crawl space can ignite combustible debris that can accumulate in these spaces and also combustible...


Grants While our ongoing operating costs (insurance, etc.) is funded by supporters like yourself, Safer West County also works to identify and secure funds for our area from state, county, and federal governments and other organizations to reduce our risks (fire and...