Watch Duty is a non-profit that provides realtime alerting and monitoring of Wildfires in the American West. For updates about fires, wind conditions, etc: Watch Duty incorporates fire mapping, wind direction, Cal Fire aircraft tracking, and more.

Watch Duty has updated their application to better support community with more features for life and safety; they have also onboarded more reporters as well as fire officials last season to provide more in-depth coverage. Go here for the full story on Watch Duty’s updates last summer.

From the Watch Duty team:

“In less than three years with minimal funding we grew to over 1 million users and are used in every Red Cross and Office of Emergency Services, garnering the attention of WiredThe Guardian, and Popular Science.  We are now operating a full-time team supporting 100+ volunteers and reaching over 400,000 DAU’s (Daily Active Users) from PG&E to nearly every local firehouse across the Western US.”

Download Watch Duty on your Mobile App or Desktop Browser here!