Chipper Project Key Points

  • This program is free!
  • The Fire Department crew will transport the chippers and handle all the chipping.
  • All chips will be left on site unless you arrange to haul
  • Volunteers & Work Parties welcome: get more done by hauling debris closer to the fire crew when piles are not directly next to a street, or limb and trim along neighborhood roadsides while fire crews chip the debris to improve evacuation routes. If you would like to partner with your fire department to host a Work Party, please contact @[email protected] for help arranging an event.
  • Priority will be given to neighborhoods that have multiple property owners participating—so gather your neighbors together! (Each property needs to apply separately.)
  • Other than prearranged Work Parties, all piles must be assembled prior to application for chipping.

Your Fire Safe group will be your contact for this program, NOT the fire department. If you need information, beyond what is provided here and on your application form, please email us at [email protected].

Because the fire department crews are chipping in between other responsibilities, we cannot give you exact dates when chipping will occur in your area; however, your local Fire Safe group will coordinate your area’s work and try to give you approximate dates when possible.


Please read the terms of participation including eligibility, application guidelines and frequently asked questions before applying.