Request for Proposal
Fuels Reduction Contract - Hampton Fire Road Camp Meeker
You may request an electronic copy of this RFP by emailing the Project Manager [email protected]. The RFP mentions multiple attachments, which you will also need to request from Tim prior to submitting your proposal. We look forward to the opportunity to review your proposal.

Questions submitted by contractors during the bid period and answers given are below:
1. The SWC portal for bid submission does not appear to be available.
There was a problem with the portal. Please submit all bids to
[email protected].
2. Do we need to sign anything when we submit our bid?
There is nothing to sign to submit bids.
3. The RFP seems to contain two timelines. Which is correct?
There was a typo on the RFP. That has been corrected.
4. Will contractors receive progress payments or lump sum upon completion?
Contractors will receive an activation deposit, a progress payment and then a final payment.
5. Will areas be marked designating 100’/200’ width for steeper/ flatter areas? Or should contractor use their own discretion?
With the approval of the OCSD/SWC representative, the contractor may use their own discretion
6. When will the proposed “larger trees” be identified?
Those trees will be marked by Fri, 9/13.
7. When will the stockpile area be identified?
The stockpile area will be identified by Fri, 9/13
8. A lot of people already use this area as a park, for public safety, are we allowed to post road closed signs and divert people away from work area to prevent possible accidental injury?
Sections where work is being done may be closed by the contractor.
9. Does the subrogation waiver endorsement for insurance need to be supplied only after award of contract?
The waiver endorsement must be completed prior to “Notice of intent to award contract,”
10. Will employees need to get paid prevailing wage or living wage?
Prevailing wage is a requirement of the contract.
11. We may experience wet weather during this project, therefore damage to the road will occur. Will light grading to return road to its previous condition be acceptable/expected?
Return road and equipment storage areas to previous condition is expected.