Joy Road is a primary evacuation route for over 600 residents—assuming all other routes are passable, more if any are closed. While full of potholes and crumbling edges, like many West County roads, two winters ago a slide narrowed the road further making two-way traffic impossible. It is also a primary road for Bodega Fire and other emergency responders. Residents are worried about going into another fire season with the road unfixed and the possibility of residents evacuating south while emergency vehicles or residents returning to get elderly residents are attempting to go north on Joy Road.
Fire Safe Occidental is asking for your support by signing their petition!
Your local Fire Safe/Firewise organizations work with Safer West County to lobby for work on evacuation roads in West County—working on roadside fuel reduction as well as pavement improvements. Please reach out to highlight any unsafe roads in your area.
Learn more – here is a link to an article on the topic from the Sebastopol Times article.