Emergency Prep

Download Watch Duty: Handy App for Wildfire Alerts

Download Watch Duty: Handy App for Wildfire Alerts

Watch Duty is a non-profit that provides realtime alerting and monitoring of Wildfires in the American West. For updates about fires, wind conditions, etc: Watch Duty incorporates fire mapping, wind direction, Cal Fire aircraft tracking, and more. Watch Duty has...

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Residential Fire Extinguishers: Top Recommendations

Residential Fire Extinguishers: Top Recommendations

Fire classes, extinguisher numerical values, and what you should know about them. Always call 911 before attempting any fire suppression. There are five fire classes, but these are the most common:   Class A: Fires caused by ordinary combustibles like wood,...

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What is a Community Wildfire Protection Plan?

What is a Community Wildfire Protection Plan?

In 2019, Fire Safe Occidental embarked on an ambitious project to create a Community Wildfire Protection Plan. This work was completely driven by local volunteers. The group held community meetings, mailed out surveys to every address in the Occidental Services...

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Important Resources for Backup Power Solutions

Important Resources for Backup Power Solutions

There are many different backup power solutions that vary in size, cost, fuel and more. If you think a backup power solution may be appropriate for your home or business, PG&E has resources available that can help you with your choice. Learn more about backup...

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How To Create a Wildfire Action Plan

How To Create a Wildfire Action Plan

Your Wildfire Action Plan must be prepared and made familiar to all members of your household well in advance of a wildfire. Use the checklist below to help create your plan. Each family’s plan will be different, depending on a variety of issues, needs, and...

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How To Assemble an Emergency Supply Kit

How To Assemble an Emergency Supply Kit

The Sonoma County Department of Emergency Management has created a helpful video for creating go bags for the whole family. Watch the video and read on for a detailed checklist! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wf7zQktwpQ Put together your emergency supply kit long...

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Residential Generator Safety Guidelines & Maintenance

Residential Generator Safety Guidelines & Maintenance

Disclaimer: This list was written and compiled by Carl Wahl from multiple sourcesbetween 8/2019 and 2/2022, plus input from Stuart Tom. Still, the below should notbe considered as a comprehensive list. This list covers both portable and standby generators. A number of...

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Fire Extinguisher Inspection & Maintenance

Fire Extinguisher Inspection & Maintenance

Replace or service an extinguisher right away if it's been used (to any degree) or ifyou notice any of the following:  The hose or nozzle is cracked, ripped, or blocked with debris.  The metal locking pin on the handle is missing or if the safety seal is missing/not...

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