This Project: A stone and gravel walkway (similar to the one pictured above) will create a beautiful (and nonflammable) area next to your home!

Dimensions: 100 sq ft (20 ft by 5 ft) space

Estimated Labor Cost: $990 (not including tax)



  • 4” of base rock – $40
  • 1” of Trinity (3/4 inch-crushed) – $60  
  • 1 ton Flagstones – $740
  • Delivery – $150. 

Are you a resident of Forestville, Monte Rio, Camp Meeker, and Occidental? Take advantage of our Safer West County’s rebate program and apply for a $1000 rebate applied to the labor to do this work!

Why is defensible space so important for you & our community? 


Defensible space is the buffer you create between your home and the grass, trees, shrubs, or any wildland area that surrounds it.  Defensible space will help slow or stop the spread of wildfire and protect your home from catching fire – either from direct flame contact or radiant heat. Defensible space is also essential to help protect firefighters when they are defending your home. For more information on beautiful ways to create defensible space around your home visit Resilient Landscape Coalition.

It’s Easy to Get 1000 Dollars!

Visit to learn about the grant and apply for your rebate today!

  1. Apply with pictures of area you want to work on
  2. Get an assessment (we can help)
  3. Have the work completed
  4. Take after pictures
  5. Submit & receive $1000 check